Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jan. 25

Just a quick post for tonight.

Instead of writing, I watched an episode of Band of Brothers. Tonight was kind of awesome, although our plans were broken it was the most I’ve felt like we all interacted in the house. Lluis was late to get home, so his mother and I sat and watched Spanish Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Then Jack and I began dinner. When Lluis did show up the three of us managed to hold real conversation, which is rare because none of us is all that talkative. We talked about a few books and their relation to life today, namely 1984 and Brave New World. Brave New World by the way is just called “Mundo Feliz” in Spanish. It was nice though, then the three of us got up, and got jackets to go play some futbolin. We decided that the Fooseball gods are not on our side though since last time we tried to play, they were closed and tonight they had a live band so they turned the lights down way too low to play.

Awesome place though, and it’s a really awesome old fooseball table with metal players painted like FC Barcelona players. (Just for the record, Lluis and I were winning when the lights went down)

Aside from that, today wasn’t all that eventful. The only other thing that I did that is worthy of noting is that I chose a tentative list of classes for once the real semester begins and those will be:
Union Europeo II
And Don Quijote

Shouldn’t be all that bad. I’m just hoping that the globalization class might be able to transfer towards my concentration somehow, or if not.. maybe towards a poli sci minor.. that might be cool to have for my Presidential career down the road.

LAST NIGHT.. that’s what I really need to tell you about.

More than half of BCA Barca went out last night to Brazilian Party night at a club called Mojito. Once we all finally met up near the club it was about 11:30 but the club was still dead so they recommended we wait at a bar down the street. A very Asian/ Sketch bar. We all had fun though and a lot of laughs crammed in the tiny bar with one old borracho and about 25 American college kids.

Then we moved on to the club where there was a live band and some dance instruction. It was pretty difficult to get into the dancing at first but once you got up the nerve to just jump in and make yourself look foolish for a few songs, you got the hang of it pretty quick. It was good to finally get a chance to hang out with all of the kids from the group and just have fun and forget about the language thing.

But you know what.. this morning in class we were all so relaxed however tired we were and had fun there too. Getting all of us together to go out is seeming like more and more of a good idea by the minute.

Here’s the weird part.. I got about a third of the way home after dropping Molly off when I got a text from her saying that her keys weren’t working. I walked back and tried for myself but it just wouldn’t work. Our only option was to ring the doorbell and wake up her “mom” at 3 am.. The first words out of her mouth though were, “No te preocupes” or “Don’t worry.” So it wasn’t all that big of a deal. But then I had to walk home at 3 am instead of 2-2:30. I decided going through La Rambla was my best bet since its open and pretty well lit. But it didn’t seem to matter

The text that I sent to Molly as I was walking through went something like this…
“I thought that I was supposed to solicit prostitution, not the other way around.”

It was Weird. Never felt so awkward in all my life. And the whole time, the police just stand around. In America we have this strange perception of prostitutes standing on corners, well here in Barcelona, they walk around, walk right up to you and grab your arm or whatever they have to do… WEIRD…

It made me miss grass just a little bit more hahaha

As for the New Word of the Day, well, its officially the “Word of the Day,” I’m a lot less limited that way.

Word of the Day: llaves- keys (easy enough)

1 comment:

Sr. said...

Hola chico,

El profe... Sr. Mira, dime exactamente en Barcelona que estas viviendo.
cuentame tus impresiones de Granada. Sé quel nombre de tu blog es "un buen viaje" pero no tengas miedo de ser negativo. Habrá experiencias buenisiamas y las habrá mucho menos buenisima.
Yo fui a Granada tres veces.. habia algo... pero al fin y al cabo, no era un lugar "mio" Es fenomenal, claro, ver La Alhambra... pero no sé - yo buscaba magico